No gree for anybody poem


In Nigeria, a new adage has emerged,

"No dey gree for anybody this year,"

A powerful sentiment that's become a trend,

Empowering individuals to take a stand, clear.

Gone are the days of bowing down,

To societal pressures that would make us frown,

No longer surrendering our dreams and desires,

We're reclaiming our voices, lighting our fires.

This year, we won't be swayed,

By the opinions of others, judgment, or shade,

No more compromising our happiness and peace,

We'll prioritize ourselves, that's the release.

No dey gree for anybody this year,

We've had enough of living in constant fear,

Shedding the chains of society's expectations,

Embracing our individuality, no more hesitations.

No more seeking validation from outside,

We'll trust ourselves, in our own paths we'll ride,

Celebrating our uniqueness, our talents, our worth,

No longer confined by limitations imposed since birth.

We'll challenge the norms, break the stereotypes,

United together, we'll sparkle and ignite,

With resilience and strength, we'll strive,

Breaking barriers, our dreams will thrive.

In Nigeria, "No dey gree for anybody this year,"

Is not just a phrase, but a call to adhere,

To stand firm, unapologetically true,

Embracing ourselves, breaking through.

So let us rise, with determination and grace,

Leaving behind what doesn't serve, leaving no trace,

For this year is ours, to live with no regret,

"No dey gree for anybody," a mantra we won't forget.



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