Sex slow down ones creativity

 "S£x slows down your creativity and that's why I've not had it in 2 years." Craig David 

"I've been a celîbate for more than 2 years now. Where I live in  London right now, there's no temptation. I've reached a stage in my life where women can't move me agaîn because I've seen all of them. My main priority right now is my music. Since I stoppÄ™d having s£x, my creativity has been on a 100%. I'm not talkîng to girls or just meeting women and vibing with them in bÄ™d has put me more aligned than before." Craig David.

It's a great and deep message to emerging artists out there to their time , energy to groom , nurture their musical career the sex and waywardness is always there waiting for them but it's better they attain greatness and invest much for rainy days before indulging in such act,  this imoral act has kept some talents stagnant in life and make them to loss  hope everyone was born to be great and has the power of self control.

Focus on your music and be open to acquire knowledge that will guide you to achieve greater heights in your music career as an artist, take hid in God and seek his wisdom and he will never let down.

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